
Does The Danganronpa Anime Spoil The Game

You mean Danganronpa V3? From what I hear information technology'south completely seperate from every other game and starts a new story.

Originally posted past JackBauer:

You hateful Danganronpa V3? From what I hear it'due south completely seperate from every other game and starts a new story.

Yep. So yous pretty much have to watch information technology to understand the full story. But just watch it after playing the outset two games and maybe Ultra Despair Girls? So far they oasis't reference UDG in the show except for one brief prototype in the first episode but there's nevertheless the possibility that it might have some bear on on the show in the future.


30 Jul, 2016 @ 7:14pm

How did Danganronpa the Animation spoil Danganronpa 2? The only thing I'm aware that it did was just... show Usami/Monomi at the end of the first episode saying she'd see anybody soon.

Originally posted by Rollout:

How did Danganronpa the Animation spoil Danganronpa ii?

I was talking about the first game: Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.
Not most DR2.

I read that V3 game is hinted to exist set in the hereafter, so it could a chip. Anyways, it's a different story and the but recurring character is Monokuma, only I think information technology will probable spoil the events from previous games.

Yeah the hereafter arc will spoil several things related to DR2, the despair arc will non spoil much as its set in the past.


31 Jul, 2016 @ 10:15am

Originally posted by DragonsDoodoo:

Yes the future arc will spoil several things related to DR2, the despair arc will not spoil much as its set in the past.

Except... y'know... it's going bear witness the big twist that Class 77 is the Remnants of Despair and Hajime is Izuru.

Originally posted by Rollout:

Originally posted past DragonsDoodoo:

Yes the future arc will spoil several things related to DR2, the despair arc will non spoil much as its set in the past.
Except... y'know... it's going testify the big twist that Grade 77 is the Remnants of Despair and Hajime is Izuru.

that didn't occur to mke at the time
so the hole matter will spoil DR2


31 Jul, 2016 @ 10:16am

Originally posted past d0heck:

Originally posted by Rollout:

How did Danganronpa the Animation spoil Danganronpa 2?

I was talking well-nigh the first game: Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.
Not virtually DR2.

Danganronpa 3 was already stated to exist a totally unique story related to the first two games. It won't have much to do with New Danganronpa V3.

Despite commonality in the names, It's important to realize that the Danganronpa three anime (both Future and Despair arcs) is entirely separate from the upcoming New Danganronpa V3 game that should release in Nihon sometime in 2016. Said differently, it'southward not the aforementioned situation as with the showtime Danganronpa anime... essentially a "Cliff Notes" version of the events transpiring in Trigger Happy Havoc.

The purpose of the Danganronpa 3 anime is to provide closure to the Hopes Peak Academy storyline and it'southward characters, namely the bandage from Danganronpa 1 and 2. Conversely, the side by side Danganronpa game will accept identify within an entirely new setting (the Gifted Inmates Academy) and take a completely new bandage with the exception of Monokuma returning.

I'd be really surprised if anything in the DR3 anime outright spoils something in the NDRv3 game. All the same, I won't be at all surprised if the game makes reference to events, backstory, character development, etc. that transpire in the anime.

Last edited by neildittmar; 1 Aug, 2016 @ ane:07pm


vi Aug, 2016 @ ii:43am

I want to know this as well, and do someone know so the 3; game is coming out on PC?

Originally posted past Sanji:

I want to know this also, and do someone know then the 3; game is coming out on PC?

People have already answered this, but no, the anime volition not spoil the plot of the game. It is its own seperate story meant to end the Hope'south Elevation arc of the first ii games, every bit Danganronpa V3 is going to have its ain story. As for if it'southward coming out on PC, I don't know. It'southward is confirmed for both PSVita and PS4, however.

both new anime are original stories


xxx Sep, 2016 @ v:48am

I'll eat my hat for breakfast if New Danganronpa V3 actually will be reboot, and not some veiled continuation of Hope'southward Pinnacle storyline. I was rused far too many times to believe anything until I run into affair with my ain eyes.


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